Movies (Eng)
Fisheye perspective on estuaries and their floodplains as complex biogeomorphic systems
Friday Earth Sciences Talk 12 April 2024 with an overview of insights in estuaries based on experimental and numerical models:
Living landscapes in the lab: bio-morphodynamics of rivers, estuaries and tidal systems
Keynote on experiment scaling at the GeoMod2021 conference, 20 September 2021:
What determines estuary planform shape, size and channel-bar patterns? Coast2CoastZoominar C2C#31, 26 August 2021:
Interview podcast on Coast2Cast of the Coastal Hub (using my piano music)
Meandering rivers on Mars: living landscapes? Invited lecture Centre of Astrobiology, Madrid, June 4 2021:
Overview lecture of biostabilising and bioturbating species effects on estuarine landscapes:
Conception and installation of the Metronome:
Ideas at the start of the projects on estuaries:
EU-Hydralab Experiments on channel bifurcations with unidirectional and tidal flow:
Overview of water on Mars illustrated with our work